Smoothie Freezer Packs

SUPERDUPER idea for planning ahead on those busy days/mornings! Get all your fruits and add yogurt for protein and dairy. Since they’re already portioned out all you gotta do is blend to your hearts content!

Skinny Sexy Smiling

Smoothie Freezer Packs

Plan ahead!! This makes those smoothies even easier to make
SUPER great idea!! You will LOVE this!!

Smoothie Freezer Packs

Lay Blueberries flat on a sheet pan, place in freezer.
Once frozen, put 3/4 C of Blueberries in freezer safe bag.
Add 3/4 Cup Strawberries
1 Banana
Handful of Spinach
Put Spinach in last so it is the first thing in the blender.
Each packet makes about 2 smoothies!

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